kubectl run busybox -image=busybox -dry-run=client -o yaml -restart=Never > yamlfile.yaml. Once you create the YAML file from these kubectl commands, you can modify it based on your requirements and use it instead of writing from scratch: The following commands will create a YAML file with name yamlfile. It is much easier to create the YAML file from kubectl commands instead of from a blank page using an editor. Most people would agree that working with YAML files is no fun, and Kubernetes YAML files can be very verbose and hard to create from scratch. We can create complex YAML files from the command line using kubectl commands. The solution? Create a ~/.vimrc file with these lines before creating YAML files with the vi editor to make editing easier: spaces for whitespace has always created syntax issues while writing YAML files (e.g., getting the 2-space YAML as the default when hitting carriage return). We need a way to indent with tabs and align with spaces. One of the problems with the vi editor while creating YAML files, however, is the space issue. The vi editor is well documented and has support from a vibrant open source community. This is a great place to use our trusty vi, the text editor originally created for the Unix operating system. There are many different editors available to write YAML files, but there are many times where you may need to quickly tweak a generated YAML and while working on a terminal. alias kgaa='kubectl get all -show-labels'. alias kg='kubectl get pods -show-labels'. alias kc='k config view -minify | grep name'. Run these before executing kubectl commands to save yourself some time. Example: You just need to type k instead of typing kubectl: We have listed aliases for some frequently used commands below.
#Best mac editor for yaml full#
You will no longer need to spell out the full command over and over again, making your life a lot easier when you want to execute multiple Kubernetes commands in one session.
Kubernetes commands can be quite lengthy, so setting up some aliases for running kubectl is very helpful. kubectl config view -minify | grep namespace (This command will ensure that you set the namespace correctly for your current context.).kubectl get po -o wide -n -n -n (This command will identify the pods in each namespace).kubectl get pods -all-namespaces (List all pods with status from all namespaces.).Some of the most common and useful commands with namespace are listed below: Kubectl config set-context $(kubectl config current-context) -namespace=mynamespace